(This is the 2008 downloaded version of Australia's ICC Consequential Amendments Act of 2002. Hope the old icrc.org websites links are still working. )

State: Australia
Law or Regulations: International Criminal Court (Consequential Amendments) Act 2002


International Criminal Court (Consequential Amendments) Act 2002

No. 42, 2002

An Act to amend the Criminal Code Act 1995 and certain other Acts in consequence of the enactment of the International Criminal Court Act 2002, and for other purposes


References: International Treaties and Documents

UN Convention on Genocide: Art. 2
First Geneva Convention 1949: Art. 3 , 49 , 50 and 51
Second Geneva Convention 1949: Art. 3 , 50 , 51 and 52
Third Geneva Convention 1949: Art. 3 , 129 , 130 and 131
Fourth Geneva Convention 1949: Art. 3 , 146 , 147 and 148
Additional Protocol I 1977: Art. 11 , 85 and 86
Rome Statute of the ICC 1998: Art. 6 , 7 , 8 20 , 28 , 33 , 68 and 70
Hague Convention on Cultural Property 1954: Art. 1 , 2 and 8
Second Protocol to the Hague Convention on Cultural Property 1999: Art. 15 .